Let's Read it every day!


Topic 6

The world is more and more polluted. It is a serious problem because pollution effects badly on human. Thus, we need understand clearly about its causes and effects. First of all, we have to know its definition: Pollution is to make impure; to contaminate an environment especially with human made waste. pollution is comprised of many different categories. They are  Air pollution, Ground pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution. Air pollution is defined as the bad air we breathe in. Air pollution is found in both indoors and outdoors. Human activities can release substances into the air, some of which can cause problems for humans, plants, and animals. Ground pollution is the trash and other material that seeps into the Earths surface. Water pollution occurs when a body of water is affected due to the addition of large amounts of materials put into the water.  When it is unfit for its intended use, water is considered polluted.  Noise pollution is unwanted or offensive sounds that unreasonably intrude into our daily activities. They are all spreading out nowadays, so what are the causes and the effects of this condition?
The waste from the modern industry is main reason of pollution. Day by day, people discard a lot of kind of waste such as garbage, smoking, dust and other toxic waste …. All kind of this waste are dispersed to everywhere and make pollution. Destroying forest has a part in pollution, too. There do not have verduces to filter air so the condition is more and more serious.
The clearest effect is on temperature. 30 years ago, it has increased 0.5-0.70C every decade and the speed has been faster and faster. Thus, how long human can live on the earth? This effect is really dangerous to human. The second one is on air and water. Toxic smoking and waste from factories makes the air and water source has been polluted seriously. Human, plants and animals have to breathe and drink to be. However, the things they receive are harmful ones. The most baneful effect is on our health. Cancer, gene mutation …. and a lot of bad effects on life. More and more people catch strange diseases. Therefore, pollution is really a dangerous problem to human.
All in all, this matter is very serious. Each of us has to have responsibility to change and delete this problem. It belongs to our awareness. Although this is a big problem, I believe that we are able to solve with it.

Topic 7

When I was a schoolgirl, I lived with my family in Dak Nong. I moved to Ho Chi Minh city two years ago. Now I am living there. It’s really a big and luxury city so I like a fish out of water. To break out of this feeling, every evening, I enjoy sitting at the back of my flat and seeing sunset views. I like it because it reminds me of my hometown. The sunset sceneries are the same at two places. Except this thing, they seem completely different.
The distance between Ho Chi Minh city and Dak nong is faraway but the moment the sun sets is similarly. Peacefulness is the first thing I get from them. Perhaps, it is because of the moving of the sun. The feeling when we contemplate the sun start setting has great comfortable. The sun’s color gradually changes from bright yellow to solf orange. This change makes it becomes breezy and cool. After a while, the sun looks like a fire ball. Moreover, the space gets more quite. In the city, the quantity of transportation reduces in dusk so there is not so much noisy. Similarly, in my hometown, the boisterous sound from machines in the factories is over. This makes me to be free of stress. Thus, whether being at home or the city, I still enjoy sunsets. Those are rare moments which relaxe me from stressful life.
Despite of similarlies, these faraway places have many different things. First of all, the density of the population in the city is too crowded. Except proclaimation time, we can see many, many people at everywhere we go. Every household lives in a tiny apartment and children have not space to play football. However, the density of the population in my country is sparse, the people live in large house and work on vast farms. Sometimes, there is nobody on the roads. Children enjoy themselves on large yards. Secondly, the citizens are prissy and hateful people. The men are cruel and the women are sharp-tongued. One day, I went out. Unfortunately, I hit into a man. Instantly, he glowed and scolded at me. Another time, I went shopping and intented to buy a lovely hat. However, the price is so high so I changed my mind. The shopkeeper glared and cursed at me. On the other hand, the country people are very lovely and honest. They never use strong words to anyone. Besides, they always help each other if there are problems in their life. The third difference is the landscapes. In Ho Chi Minh city, they are multi-storeyed buildings, luxury restaurants and hotels,… They are man-made and modern products. Unlike, Dak nong has a large forest area, many mountains, silt rivers ….. They are natural. In addition, the citizen might forget traditional customs. For example, on Tet holiday, they don’t do enough for the occasion. There are no “cây niêu” or pickless welsh onion or fork games. Especially, “lì xì” no longer keep the meaning: lucky money. Adults give children money to thank or apple-pollish their parents. Unlike, people in my country always keep Vietnamese customs so they organize Tet holiday or festivals happily and meaningful. Indeed, there are many different things between city and country area such as population, environment, people and customs.
Despite of differences, they all are places where I close-knit with. Thus, I love them and want to explore more than. Anyhow, they all have wonderful sunset which I feel warm and comfortable.





Different people realize their own happiness in different ways. If you ask most people what happiness means you will probably hear "I'll be happy when ". When I get that promotion, I'll be happy. I'll be happy when I meet the person of my dreams. If I had one million dollars, I'd be happy. These, and all the other "if I had" scenarios are following the same reasoning; that happiness is based on external circumstances. While for other people, happiness is something from internal factor which cannot touch or even see it. It is the way we accept that life is perfect as it is and that our lives are the sum total of everything that has happened to this instant, only then can we accept the joy and happiness we deserve. It is one of thousand definitions about happiness. For me, happiness means being love by others.

In addition, happiness is considered not in having or getting but only giving. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.  What is your opinion?
Life is full of little wonders that can make us happy.
 "Happiness" is something made by ourselves...We can make happiness. We can make happiness for whom we love...Their happiness is our happiness...



          My sister - Thường – has special characteractics that completely contract to the meaning of her name. When she was a child, she was very brave. One day, when she was wandering around a waste land ground, she saw a snake-hole and a snake was putting its head out at that moment. Inn spite of being scare and running away quickly, she took a stick and thrust into the hole uninterruptedly. Next, she used a suamp hen and started digging deeper and deeper. After digging a few minutes, she saw a tail which was striped and spotted and full of thrilling colors. Immediately, she snabbed it and pulled it out. As soon as all of the horrible body of the snake was been out, she turned it around quickly until she heard sound from its backbone with many cracks. Then she put it on a cage and ran forward to home with full of pride in her goggled eyes. Trully, so was I proud of my intrepidly calm sister.

-----------------------------The end------------------------------



          At this moment, I am seeing myselt in the mirror and extremely sad to the ugly face. That is, my eyes is narrow and have only one eyelid. When I smile, it closes nearly completely. There is even a few thread of eyeslash on it but there are a lot of warts on the dark ring around the eyes. That makes my eyes worse and certainly, a seductive glare of the eyes is just in my dream. In addition, my flat nose takes part in setting off my poor beauty. It really does not balance with my chubby cheeks. If someone look from one side, they cannnot see my nose because of the height of cheeks. I also own a wide mouth and a pair of thick and dark lips. They almost occupy a haft of space of my face. So I seldom dare to smile because I scare that peole my say that I look like a cat fish. Futhermore, the light moustache makes me to be not different from a boy. I am always teased by my classmates so I have to cover it by a gauze mask everywhen a go out. In fact, I feel very sad  and lack selt-confident because of my bad face.

-----------------------------------The end---------------------------


“Hitting children teaches them to become hitters themselves”. This declaration was professed by the educator John Holt in the article “Ten reasons not to hit your kids”. Using violence has dramatic import on children, especially, it is able to adverse effect on their mind. Physical pain comes to nothing but moral pain is tenacious spasm and leaves many after-effects.
For the first after-effect, they think that the world have turned back on them so they tend to turn their back on the world. In the other hand, they become taciturn and saturnine. This consequence happens for many reasons. Firstly, they are disappointed to themselves.  Poor kids think that they are bad and waste ones so they gradually become lack of sef-esteem and fall into an abuolia. Secondly, they have to suffer their friends’ teasing. In most cases, young children extremely have an attachment to their classmates that are even more close-knit than to their parents. Once being teased they tend to keep separate from their friends. That is the reason why they run a risk of leading a solitary life. Thirdly, they believe that their parents - the ones they deeply venerate - do not love them any more. Young minds are not old enough to understand what you want to teach them by thrashings. For them, only if adults feel a deep resentment against something is they use violence. This inference has the most evil influence on your kids’ mind. In contrast, traditional views claim that parenting must be strict because of without thrashing, without obeying. However, chastisement is not a good solution for children parenting. Instead of violence, parents should give them dramatic lessons and punishment that help them solve with their fault.  It is the responsibility of parents to set an example of empathy and wisdom. Thus, spank causes kids to obsess but not giving any educational lesson. On the whole, punishing by force brings about deep psychologicial wounds and kids’ taciturnity.
For the second after-effect, bad childhood memories might lead to a bad life-style. When they are kids, chastisement distracts them from learning how to resolve conflict. Unintentionally, they think that conflict has to be resolved by violence. Gradually, it becomes their conception and they treat to everybody by a bad behavior way. Besides, Punishment interferes with the bond between parents and child, as it is not human nature to feel loving toward someone who hurt us. This problem leads to an unhappy family. Instead of a warm place, your house is no longer full of laughter. The children hardly talk with their parents as usual because there is an invisible distance between them. So if the kids will be happy once they feel that their family is no longer a cosy shelter? Some people said that this state will be solved very soon because they are only kids, so they will forget all things quickly. However, the fact is that many studies showed that children’ moral conscience is formed from the earliest stages of infancy. Therefore, all of things, which happen around them, more or less  impact to their mind. That is the reason why this one has a happy life but that one has a miserable one. In brief, Chastisement not only influence badly to their behavior but also change passively to their life.
Many parents never learned in their own childhood that there are positive ways of relating to children. However, it’s time parents should care to good parenting techniques or their kids will be educated mistakenly. All in all, using violence is not a good parenting.
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